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Introducing the AppDef

The JARVICE Application Definition (AppDef) Reference describes the application interface for applications that are deployed on JARVICE with PushToCompute™.

The JARVICE Application Definition (AppDef) is a simple JSON object which is used to define:

  • The work flow (commands, data and parameters)
  • The user interface (the Task Builder web form, and an API schema)
  • Validation rules for the automatically generated API to run this application
  • The command line entry point into the Nimbix Application Environment (NAE).

By using a simple, declarative JSON object, the AppDef makes designing work flows and user experiences easy on JARVICE. No prior experience designing web interfaces or APIs is required to deploy a multi-node high performance computing application which leverages the built-in capabilities of JARVICE on the Nimbix Cloud.


Nimbix provides various examples in the form of real-world applications - open source deployed on the Nimbix Cloud using JARVICE mechanisms. By convention, the AppDef.json file typically lives in the NAE directory at the top of the source tree. Most repositories in the Nimbix GitHub account Include both an AppDef as well as directives in their respective Dockerfile to deploy it. You can even start with the default AppDef generated when creating a new application and modify it for your specific workflow - see Building and Deploying in the CI/CD Pipeline section for more information on this. The Container metadata section of the Nimbix Application Environment section also describes how to store and validate AppDef.json files in your Docker image. Please note that JARVICE ignores invalid AppDefs when deploying, and will also fail to build an application with an invalid AppDef.


Environment and Configuration

Key Type Required/Optional Description
commands command (object) required Defines an application command in the application drop-down
variables variable (object) optional Defines user and application-defined environment variables which will be available in /etc/JARVICE/ This can be overridden in a command that is defined in the commands section. These variables are set at the account level by Support and not user managed.
identity identity (object) optional Defines user identity to use within the JARVICE environment.

Storage and Machine Options

Key Type Required/Optional Description
machines list of strings or shell-style wildcards required Machines can be any machine type available on Nimbix, or accepted lazy expansions. For example, ng* would make all x86 GPU machine types available for this application. This can be overridden in a command that is defined in the commands section. See Resource Selection for more information.
scale_max integer optional Defines the maximum number of machines allowed for this application. This can be overridden in a command that is defined in the commands section. Typical use is to limit applications to run on a single machine rather than allow the user to launch jobs with multiple nodes for applications that may not support it.
vault-types list of strings required (If the application workflow does not support persistent storage, this should be "vault-types”: [ “NONE” ]); Defines what storage vaults are supported by the application. Must be one or more of of: BLOCK, BLOCK_ARRAY, FILE, or NONE.

Service Catalog Information

Key Type Required/Optional Description
name string required Defines the human-readable name of the application.
description string required Description of the application used in the application market place icon.
author string required Name of the individual or company who authored the application.
licensed boolean required Defines whether the application requires an additional license. false = Application needs a third party license in order to run. true = Application pricing includes on-demand license costs or has no additional license fees.
classifications string required Defines the categories used for sorting and searching applications.
image image (object) required Defines the application icon.

User-interface Hinting

Key Type Required/Optional Description
hints list of strings optional Provides "hints" to the user interface, typically used by the Task Builder to influence labeling and default selections; note that hints are suggestions only and may not be supported on all platforms. This can be overridden in a command that is defined in the commands section, to support per-command hints.

Supported hints


Specifies that if available, the default vault for the user should be changed to vault-name for this command or app. Example: VAULT:projects. If the vault is not available, the user's default will be preselected instead.


Specifies that the scaling slider should show nodes rather than cores as the unis, which may be more appropriate for some types of resources than cores.


Specifies that the scaling slider should show cores rather than nodes as the units, which is the default if not specified as a hint.

image Object Reference

Key Type Required/Optional Description
data string required Base64 image data. This can easily be generated with: cat image.png | base64 -w0; Alternatively, the image can be uploaded directly in the PushToCompute™ section of the portal.
type string required This identifies the media type, e.g., image/png

commands Object Reference

NOTE: Commands are named by the key of the JSON object defining the command.

NOTE2: taggued values are available in appdefversion > 2 only.

Key Type Required/Optional Description
path string required Command entry point which is run in the Nimbix Application Environment when the application starts. For a graphical application, this could be /usr/local/bin/nimbix_desktop followed by a positional constant parameter with value /usr/bin/xterm; For a batch application, this could be the path to a batch script. Be sure to use a full path here, not just an executable name that you assume to be in ${PATH}.
name string required Command’s name, which is used as the title of the command in the application’s catalog entry.
description string required Description of the command’s functionality that is used in the application’s catalog entry.
interactive boolean optional If true, indicates that the application should be accessible externally via HTTP(s), and requires /etc/NAE/url.txt to provide a URL or URL template. This should be true for any application using Nimbix Desktop or providing a web service such as a Jupyter Notebook. It does not guarantee that the application will get a public IP address (this is cloud specific). Note however that on the Nimbix cloud, interactive: true implies publicip: true as well (see below)
publicip boolean optional If true, requests that the application receive a public IP address and is externally accessible via TCP (and if supported by the cloud, UDP) ports directly. Note that on the Nimbix cloud, interactive: true implies publicip: true as well (see above). Also note that on the Nimbix cloud, publicip: false is ignored if interactive: true (any interactive application will get a public IP as well). The best practice, however, is to set publicip: true explicitly only if this behavior is desired.
ports list of strings optional Instructions for what TCP, UDP, or SCTP ports to forward to an application's public IP address, if available. This is cloud specific. The format of each list entry is <number>/<protocol>, where <number> is the port number, and <protocol> is either tcp, udp, or sctp (lowercase). If not set, JARVICE will forward a default set of ports that can be used for services such as SSH as well as Nimbix Desktop and VNC, all over TCP. Please note that protocols may not be currently mixed (e.g. if one UDP port is used, all ports in the list must be UDP).
noconnect boolean optional If true, does not return a web service connect URL even if the application image advertises one in /etc/NAE/url.txt; this can be used to hint to the web portal that the specific command should tail the output of stdout in the portal rather than provide a connection link, while still allowing remote access via public IP address as hinted by the interactive and publicip settings. The best practice is to set publicip: true if using noconnect: true and the desire is to retain remote connectivity to the application.
url string optional Provides an override for /etc/NAE/url.txt per workflow (see Nimbix Application Environment). The URL connects the end user to whatever service the command provides when clicking on a running application. This is useful for applications that provide commands for jupyter notebook, webpages, VNC desktop, etc. noconnect: true will prevent users from interacting with the application via the dashboard.
parameters parameter (object) required Parameters are used to construct the arguments passed to the command identified by the path key of the command argument. If the command takes no parameters, this key should still be included and set to {}
machines list of strings optional Machines can be any machine type available on Nimbix, or accepted lazy expansions. For example, ng* would make all x86 GPU machine types available for this application. Including machines in this section overrides the machines defined in global scope and apply specifically to a given command, allowing differnet commands to offer different machine types to run on
variables variable (object) optional Defines user and application-defined environment variables which will be available in etc/JARVICE/ These variables are set at the account level by Support and not user managed.
webshell *² boolean optional If true, command will run in interactive mode, inside a shell reachable through http via JXE web interface.
desktop *² boolean optional If true, command will run in interactive mode, inside a GUI desktop reachable through http via JXE web interface. Note that this assumes jarvice-desktop was setup properly inside application image (see
verboseinit *² boolean optional If true, init phase of application execution will expose more data (debug usage mainly).
cmdscript *² string optional If set and not empty, content will be written inside path and executed. cmdscript string can be a single line script, or a base64 encoded script (allowing large and/or multilines scripts, base64 is auto-detected).

parameters Object Reference

Parameters are used to construct the arguments passed to the command identified by the path key of the command object.

Key Type Required/Optional Description
name string required Name of the parameter (used in the Task Builder).
description string required Description of the parameter (used in the Task Builder).
type string required Identifies the type of the parameter. One of: CONST, STR, INT, FLOAT, RANGE, BOOL, selection, FILE, UPLOAD
required boolean required true if parameter setting is required, false if optional
variable boolean optional true if this parameter should be expressed as a variable in /etc/JARVICE/ rather than on the command line for the command referred to in the path key. Default is false.
positional boolean optional True indicates the value of the parameter should be passed as a positional argument, ordered by the order of JSON objects in the parameters section.
(parameter dependent fields) varies by parameter type See the parameter definition table below for keys and values required by parameter type.

variables Object Reference

Variables are designed to be used as environment variables and are written to /etc/JARVICE/; these are set in the account itself and managed by Support. The key of the variable becomes the name of the variable when the job is launched.

Key Type Required/Optional Description
name string required Defines a human-readable name of the variable.
description string required Description of the variable.
userowned boolean required If true, then the user may override this value . If false, it is an account variable which is currently managed and set by Nimbix Support. Please note that this parameter is currently ignored and is treated as false.
inherit boolean required If true, the value of an account variable can be inherited from a team’s payer account.
required boolean optional If true, the application will not launch if the variable is not defined.

identity Object Reference

Identity is used to configure a username, group, UID, and/or GID for the Nimbix Application Environment (NAE). These setting will replace the nimbix user created by image-common.

Key Type Required/Optional Description
username string required Username for JARVICE NAE. Spaces are not supported.
group string optional Group for JARVICE NAE. Defaults to nimbix if not set.
uid integer optional UID for JARVICE NAE. Defaults to 505 if not set.
gid integer optional GID for JARVICE NAE. Defaults to 505 if not set.


  • Setting the identity object for an App will replace the NAE nimbix user. The JARVICE API cannot override an identity set by an AppDef file.
  • Setting uid/gid as root (0:0) is NOT supported.
  • Using uid/gid values less than 1000 may collide with system users/services and should be avoided.

Parameter Type Reference

Each parameter type accepts multiple values. Some values are generic to all:

NOTE2: taggued values are available in appdefversion > 2 only.

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
name string * Value name
description string * Value description
positional boolean If value should be passed ordered as in AppDef file true
required boolean * If value is required (implicitely true for CONST type)
variable boolean If element should be provided by /etc/JARVICE/ instead of passed as argument false
if *² array of strings List of boolean values that need to be all true so that this parameter is present at execution
ifnot *² array of strings List of boolean values that need to be all false so that this parameter is present at execution


CONST defines a constant value and supports substitutions as well - the user may not modify these parameters.

In addition to generic values, CONST also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
value string * Value of element

When the type is CONST, the value key may be either an actual value or one of the following substitutions:

  • %APIURL% – public API URL *
  • %APIUSER% – username of user who submitted the call *
  • %APIKEY% – API key for user who submitted the call *
  • %CORES% – number of CPU cores in machine
  • %GPUS% – number of GPUs in master node
  • %SGPUS% – number of GPUs in each slave node
  • %RAM% – amount of RAM in master node, in GB
  • %SRAM% – amount of RAM in each slave node, in GB
  • %NODES% – number of nodes selected
  • %TCORES% – total number of cores selected (%CORES% * %NODES%)
  • %TGPUS% – total number of GPUs selected (%GPUS% + (%SGPUS% * (%NODES% – 1)))
  • %TRAM% – total amount of RAM selected (%RAM% + (%SRAM% * (%NODES% – 1)))
  • %JOBLABEL% – job label, if specified
  • %MACHINETYPE% – machine type (e.g. n0, n3, etc.)
  • %VTYPE% – vault type (e.g. NONE, FILE, OBJECT, BLOCK, BLOCK_ARRAY)
  • %VNAME% - vault name the job was launched with

* these substitutions are only available if the application is certified by Nimbix or the user calling the API owns the application; they are intended to facilitate job submission from inside jobs and should be used with care since this action can incur additional usage charges.


STR defines a string value and is the default type if not specified.

In addition to generic values, STR also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
value string * Is the default value (which can be left blank to require an explicit value set)

The value key is an arbitrary default value to populate, which the user can edit; this may also be blank.


INT defines an integer value.

In addition to generic values, INT also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
value integer * Is the default value (which can be left blank to require an explicit value set)
min integer * The minimum number allowed
max integer * The maximum number allowed


RANGE defines an integer value using a slider.

In addition to generic values, RANGE also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
value integer * Is the default value on which slider will be set
min integer * The minimum number allowed on the slider
max integer * The maximum number allowed on the slider
step integer * Set the step between values on the slider (for example 2 to force even/odd numbers only)

The portal will express this as a slider widget.


FLOAT defines a floating point value.

In addition to generic values, FLOAT also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
value float * Is the default value (which can be left blank to require an explicit value set)
min float * The minimum number allowed
max float * The maximum number allowed
precision integer * Is the maximum number of decimal digits allowed (values will be truncated to this)


BOOL defines a boolean value which includes the parameter if true, or omits it if false; this is useful for optional command line parameters.

In addition to generic values, BOOL also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
value boolean * Is the default, which must be set to true or false; once submitted, if true, the parameter will be listed on the command line, or not listed if false

Boolean parameters are represented as checkbox widgets in the user portal.


selection defines a single selection list.

In addition to generic values, selection also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
values list * Is a list of values; the default will be the first one listed; if empty string is submitted (and is a valid selection), the parameter will not be listed
mvalues list Is a parallel list of values in machine format; if specified, the index of values will be used to fetch the actual value to pass into the application from the values list; it must have the same exact dimension as the values list; if not specified, only the values list will be used [ ]

Selection lists are represented as drop down widgets in the user portal.


FILE defines a file name.

In addition to generic values, FILE also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
filter string Is a list of wildcards to filter by (standard shell wildcard syntax); if there is more than one wildcard specified, use the | (vertical bar) to separate them - e.g. to support C and Python files, use *.c|*.py

If the selected storage vault is listable (e.g. a FILE vault), the user portal will provide a file picker widget.


UPLOAD defines a file to upload from a local computer to a JARVICE job.

In addition to name, description and required generic values (not positional and variable as it makes no sense here), UPLOAD also accept the following:

Value Type Mandatory Description Default
target string * Specifies the sub path that will be used to mount a file under /opt in a JARVICE job
filter string Is an extension of a MIME Type used to browse files on a local computer - e.g. to browse JSON files, use .json
size integer Specifies the maximum size allowed for an upload file in bytes - e.g. 1024 to enforce a limit of 1KB

The target key is required and only 1 UPLOAD parameter is supported for each command. The variable and positional parameter keys do not apply to UPLOAD parameters.